Before a person can lawfully operate a public warehouse in the State of Idaho he or she must first procure a license from the Idaho Department of Agriculture. A public warehouse means any elevator, mill, warehouse, or other structure or facility where agricultural commodities are received for storage, shipment, processing or handling. An example would be your local elevator that will store your grain for a fee.
A warehouse must keep scale weight tickets that show the time when commodities were delivered, the quantities delivered, who delivered the commodities, the ownership of the commodities, and the condition of the commodities upon delivery. Your scale weight ticket is like your deposit receipt at the bank. It shows how much grain or other commodity was deposited.
The State of Idaho is tasked with inspecting public warehouses to make sure that scales are accurate, and to assure that public warehouses are properly caring for agricultural commodities.
Any person having an interest in any agricultural commodity stored in a public warehouse has the right to examine at any reasonable time during ordinary business hours the commodity being stored.
Any person applying for a public warehouse license must also furnish a bond in favor of the commodity indemnity fund to secure the faithful performance of his obligations as a warehouseman. The bond helps protect farmers who deposit their products with a public warehouse.
Much like a bank holds money, a public warehouse holds agricultural goods. And just like a bank, a public warehouse is regulated to protect the consumer.