Legal Insight. Business Instinct.

Fair Districts

Under Idaho law two (2) or more counties within the state may group themselves together and form a fair district.  Upon creation of a district the respective county members are required by law to appoint a board of directors.   The board of directors is in turn required to hold monthly meetings, keep track of funds, and make plans for a fair.

The Eastern Idaho State Fair is just such a creature.  There are 16 counties in Eastern Idaho that form a fair district and participate in the Eastern Idaho State Fair.

The Eastern Idaho State Fair had its beginnings in 1902 when a group of cattlemen wanted to show cattle in Blackfoot.  The Fair was a success and continued to grow and overcome financial hardships and shutdowns during World War II.  The Eastern Idaho State Fair has operated continuously since 1944.

Today the Eastern Idaho State Fair is more popular than ever.  Thousands of people participate in exhibitions, contests, and the showing of livestock.  In 2016 the Fair set an all-time attendance record of 230,000 visitors.

Under Title 22 of the Idaho Code the board of directors of the Eastern Idaho State Fair has the power and authority under Idaho law to employ laborers, award prizes, make exhibition contracts, and perhaps most importantly, extend contracts for concessions and food!

So, next time your wife tells you that you have had enough fried treats, tacos, and hamburgers, you just tell her that all that food is perfectly legal under Idaho law!
