Legal Insight. Business Instinct.

Michael D. Gaffney Selected to Serve on IF Citizen Review Committee

Members Named & Kickoff Meeting Scheduled for 1st Round of Citizen Review Committees

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho: Members of the first round of Citizen Review Committees will meet for the first time during a kickoff meeting on Saturday, February 22nd, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. in Council Chambers located inside the City Annex Building, 680 Park Avenue. In mid-December, Mayor Casper called for applications from city residents to review basic functions and budget processes of city divisions to improve efficiencies and service delivery. Four of the city’s eleven divisions will be examined over the next three months, including the Idaho Falls Library, Idaho Falls Regional Airport, Municipal Services, and Planning and Building. The other divisions will be evaluated in the next two years. Applicants with various backgrounds and experience were selected based on their area of interest and the criteria of living within city limits. Those who would stand to receive a direct financial benefit from a particular city division were not selected.
