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Oregon Trademark Attorney

Oregon Trademark Attorney

When starting a new business, it can be difficult to know everything that should be done. One thing that can commonly be forgotten is getting a trademark. A trademark is a type of property that is often associated with the branding of your company. The trademark becomes recognizable so that when people see your logo, they can know what product or service is associated with it. It is important to make sure that you have a trademark so that your intellectual property can be protected. Knowing what a trademark is and how it works can really help you as you continue to develop and brand your own business.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a type of intellectual property that will give you rights to things in your branding or your logo. Some of the things that are commonly trademarked are designs, words, phrases or symbols. All of these things create brand recognition for your brand; thus, they are able to and should be trademarked. However, trademarks are field specific, so if someone has a logo that looks similar to yours but is in a different realm of business, then they can use it.

Why Do You Need a Trademark?

Although having a trademark is not complete ownership, it is essential to have if you would like to protect your intellectual property in your specific industry. If you decide to not get your branding trademarked, then the public has access to all of your intellectual property, ideas, and other things that are associated with your branding. Other brands are also welcome to use your ideas or branding if you do not have anything trademarked. Unfortunately choosing to forgo a trademark gives you no legal protection or footing when it comes to pressing charges. All in all, if you would like to protect your branding from other companies in your industry, it is essential that you get a trademark.

How to Get a Trademark

Applying for and getting a trademark can be a lengthy process. However, it is one that is well worth it in the long run. When getting your trademark, the first step that needs to be taken is to make sure that your trademark is protectable. Some trademarks are easier to protect than others, so it is important to make sure that the one that you are wanting to register is protectable. It is also important to have made a few key decisions before applying for a trademark.

It is essential to specify what goods or services that you wish to be associated with your trademark. As far as the application process, it is very beneficial to have a trademark attorney so that they can help you through the whole process. Contacting your local trademark attorneys at Beard St. Clair Gaffney will ensure that your trademark will have all of the proper steps needed to establish and protect your trademark.

When Should You Get a Trademark?

Getting a trademark should be something that you should do right off the bat, or as soon as you possibly can. If you do not have one for your current business, then you risk the chances of someone copying your idea. It is much easier to have your trademark in the early days of your business, rather than fighting another company over rights later on. If you are considering getting a trademark for your company, do not wait! Contact our trademark attorneys at Beard St. Clair Gaffney today to get the help that you need.

Why Beard St. Clair Gaffney

It can be difficult to find a trademark attorney that will fit your needs. At Beard St. Clair Gaffney, all of our attorneys are highly qualified and experienced to help you through the whole process. They will take on the responsibility of making sure that your trademark application is filled out correctly so that you can get it approved. We will help you get your trademark registered, fight trademark infringements, as well as be available to answer any questions that you may have concerning the process or trademarks in general.

Contact Us

If you are considering getting a trademark for your business, give us a call or contact us today. Our experienced attorneys will help you with any questions, trademark infringements, as well as getting your trademark registered. We are passionate about helping you keep what is rightfully yours. Each trademark attorney will fight for you so that you will get to keep any of your intellectual property. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.

Trademark FAQs

How long is the trademark application process?

The application and registration process can take anywhere from 12-18 months. This however depends on the accuracy of the application. If the application is filled out correctly and there are no problems with the trademark that you would like to register, then the process will be a lot shorter. However, if there are any mistakes made on the application or your application is denied, then these have the potential to significantly increase the length of time that the whole process will take.

Do I have to look for any infringements?

It is the business owner’s responsibility to look for any trademark infringements that may be happening. It is important to remember that it is only a trademark infringement if the company is in the same industry as you. You cannot press any charges against another company if they are not in the same field of business as you.

Do I need a trademark?

Having a trademark is not essential in having a successful business. However, it is crucial when it comes to protecting your intellectual property. Without a trademark, other companies within your industry, or even the general public will have the opportunity to use your intellectual property. However, if you trademark your branding, then you will have your property protected and the chance to press charges against anyone within your industry who tries to steal your ideas.
